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Sebastian Prentice

Developer + DevOps, CI/CD, Entrepreneur, and Designer

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Office Rental Platform and App

Designed and developed a platform for Teamworks Execuitve Suites to manage office rentals and bookings.

Voulez Vous App

Developed a spirit recognition and cocktail recipe app.

Larder Inventory Management System

Designed and developed a system for Tow Food Larders to manage inventory and orders.

Hi there

I’m Seb, currently I live in London, UK working as a Junior Software Engineer at TutorCruncher. My daily grind is an exciting mix of developing features, troubleshooting errors, managing microservices, and streamlining CI/CD and DevOps processes. My knack for design also empowers me to swiftly bring attractive and functional ideas to life.

Outside of work, I immerse myself in coding for personal passion projects, indulge in hands-on DIY tasks, and unwind with co-op video games. I’m always keen to chat about innovative ideas and collaborative ventures. Don’t hesitate to send a message my way if you want to share a project or just say hi!

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Me in Anguilla, a British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean.